Monday, April 13, 2009

There is Something Wrong With Me (Health-wise)

So I have had a bad run of health lately that has left me rather clueless as to what's wrong with me. It all started about a month ago when I ended up with a horrible virus that rendered me unable to speak or breath for that matter as I was constantly coughing and in pain from a spectacularly raw throat. That lasted about a week. On Wednesday of that week I decided to go to school (you can't really miss a lot of school and expect to pass classes with my schedule) if for nothing else, than to pick-up the work that I missed so that I could start catching up. The next day I woke up and my eye wouldn't open all of the way so I couldn't see very well. I figured that I was just tired and that the blurry vision would pass (it didn't) I walked to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and saw that my eye was glued shut in one corner by a nastiness which I shall refer to as matter and the eye itself was bright red/pink. I hope that you have used some sort of argumentative reasoning to determine that I had pinkeye (the best and worst disease you could possibly be afflicted with). Pinkeye, as it turns out, is very contagious thus I stayed home so as not to infect the entire student body. By that afternoon I was on antibiotics so I figured that I would go to school the next day. The next morning I woke up and couldn't open my eye at all, it was glued shut by matter, so I stayed home once more.

The next week was Spring Break and by Sunday afternoon (the fourth day of the pinkeye infection) my eye was almost back to normal so I figured that I would be healthy throughout the rest of break. Monday was an excellent day, I felt great, the weather was lovely, and I was able to go to the Barn and ride my horse for quite a while that afternoon then relax that night. However, the next day (Tuesday) I woke up with a migraine above my left eye so I pretty much slept all day in attempt to get rid of it. Wednesday I felt okay, my head still hurt some, but it was nothing compared to the day before and I was able to function and start working on my homework (which I had intended to do on Tuesday).

Now we get to the health problem that has me rather perplexed/worried. Starting that Thursday I developed a migraine-like headache over my right eye which has progressively worsened. The week after Spring Break my eye/the area around my eye began to swell, that Wednesday the combination of swelling and pain caused me to miss school once again. I went to the doctor and was informed that all of the mucous created when I had my cough had gotten stuck in the sinus pocket behind my eye and was now infected which was causing the pain and the swelling so he put me on Augmentin to clear it up. Now two weeks later I finished the antibiotic Saturday morning and today (being Monday) my eye has started swelling again and my head is killing me. So I think I shall be going back to the doctor's office/hospital for some X-rays/further investigation in the near future and quite honestly I am a little worried. I can't imagine anything good causing a person's face to swell, but at the same time I really want the problem fixed.

Possible diagnoses:
  1. Last week I went to the optomitrist for an annual check-up as well as to see what was causing some inflamation on/in my eye and found out that the pinkeye/sinisitis had caused an infection in my eye which I believe that doctor referred to as choroitis or something along those lines so perhaps this is some random side effect. However both of my eyes are infected and only one of them is swelling so...? Also she put be on antibiotic eyedrops that I believe should have cleared up that infection by now so I don't really think this is directly related to that.
  2. Chronic migraines, my symptoms match those of a migraine but I don't believe that migraines usually last for a month so this is rather unlikely.
  3. Brain Tumor? I don't have all of the symptoms of this, but still, you never know.


I have had a migraine headache that doesn't change sides, dizziness (no fainting), stiff neck, extreme exhaustion, blurry vision, and sensitivity to light.

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