Friday, May 29, 2009

"Why I Ride" READ AND LEAVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM PLEASE (this is a work in progress) Slide 1 and 2

I lived an incredibly safe and sheltered life before I started riding. The most dangerous thing I did was walk to and from Madison Elementary every day, I had never had a near death experience, and a small gash to my chin was the worst injury I had ever endured. One might say that my life was good, but most would probably agree that my life was downright boring. After moving to a rural neighborhood and celebrating my tenth birthday my parents finally granted my lifelong wish and began paying for me to take riding lessons at a local stable. During my third lesson I was thrown from the back of a two ton horse, had the wind knocked out of me, and almost had my face kicked in. The trauma of falling off alone would probably have been enough to cause any other girl to never want to look at another horse let alone get on one ever again. I on the other hand blamed myself for letting the horse spook and got right back on. This was the first time I was almost killed by a horse and the first time that I didn't care.

Since I began riding seven years ago I have been stepped on countless times, thrown once, been almost bucked off multiple times (by multiple horses), run away with once, and almost run over and killed once. I have sustained multiple bruises, sprained my shoulder and elbow a couple times, and knocked a few ribs out of place. I think I'm a better person because of it. You're probably thinking that I'm crazy and I very well might be, but considering all of the good experiences I've had with horses and all of the good that my interaction with horses has done for me I don't see any reason that I would ever want to quit riding.

Una Leyenda (sin acentos): El Sol y La Luna

Antes de que hubiera luz en el mundo los dioses de Teotihuacan hablaron entre si para decidir quienes iban dar luz al mundo. Para dar luz al mundo dos dioses tenian que echarse en una gran hoguera y morir. Por fin uno de los dioses mas jovenes se llama Tecuciztecatl, dijo que estaba dispuesto a echarse a la hoguera. Todos los dioses le felicitaron al joven. Entonces Tecuciztecatl pregunto a los otros dioses quien estaba tan valiente como el, quien tambien estaba dispuesto a morir para dar luz al mundo. Todos los dioses guardaron silencia entonces discutieron entre si hasta un dios viejito y humilde se levanto y dijo que estaba dispuesto a echarse a la hoguera tambien. Ese dios se llama Nanoatzin. Primero, los dioses no pensian que la vida de Nanoatzin estaba tan bueno como la vida de Tecuciztecatl, pero cuando el viejito dijo que el estaba el solo otro dios que estaba dispueesto a morir para dar luz al mundo todos los dioses le felicitaron a el mas que le felicitaron al joven. Luego los dioses hicieron la ropa muy fina necesaria para la ceremonia. Nadie comio durante la semana por todos estaban en un estado de meditacion. Cuando llego el dia encendieron una gran hoguera. Tecuciztecatl trato cuatro veces a echarse a la hoguera pero tenia miedo asi no podia. Entonces Nanoatzin entro la hoguera y se acosto tranquilmente. Todos los dioses dijeron "Grande es Nanoatzin!" con mucha reverencia. Tecuciztecatltenia verguenza y entro al fuego tambien. Todos los dioses esperaron hasta una luz aparecio en el este. Esta luz era la luz de Nanoatzin, el sol. La luz era muy brillante. Luego una otra luz tambien aparecio en el este, era la luz de Tecuciztecatl y era la luna. La luna era tan brillante como el sol. Los dioses no pensian que la luz de Tecuciztecatl debio ser tan brillante como la luz de Nanoatzin. Asi un dios agarro un conejo y lo arrojo a la luna. Hasta el dia de hoy el sol es mas brillante como la luna.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wipeout v. Howie Do It

An interesting question arose at the dinner table last night when ABC's Wipeout had it's season premiere: "Is the show overly cruel?" My answer to this question is no for one main reason: peole choose to do this to themselves compared to Howie Do It (which could in my books be considered a cruel show) where unsuspecting victims are preyed upon by a snarky bald man and his camera crew. People don't sign up for Howie Do It there loving friends and/or family usually sign them up so that they can have a quick laugh as they watch their unsuspecting friend/family member be humiliated in front of however many million TV viewers plus the people in the audience. That, while being funny, is rather cruel. Contestants on Wipeout, on the other hand, sign up to be publically humilated in from of millions of TV viewers and some of them actually enjoy it. Thus, while the contestants on Wipeout are not only humiliated, bbut generally beaten up, it is not a cruel show because participation is voluntary whilst Howie Do It, where people or solely humiliated is a cruel show because participation is forced (subliminally speaking). So ends this short rant about what makes a show cruel.

Essay Brainstorming

Question (please answer the first part the rest of it sort of turned into a rant, I'll underline the question to help you out): Which form of multimedia thing would best suit my new essay? Video, (not) radio (I need visuals), cartoon (I can't draw), or powerpoint? Okay so basically video or power point. Being as I have no equipment or editing knowledge I am currently leaning towards power point essay, but even after viewing many examples I still have no idea how to go about creating a power point essay. I really have no idea how to do much of anything actually and I'm beginning to wonder whether or not I should have ever taken this class. I keep failing. I swear if my grade in this class brings my GPA down...actually I don't really know what I'll do, be glad that my future major has nothing to do with language arts most likely. I plan on having a medical career which is excellent because I am good at science and math whereas I am an utter and complete failure at all things involving the English language (I'm pretty good at other languages though). I hate this, I absolutely loath this feeling of failure and it seems that I haven't been able to escape it all year in this class. First term C+ (on the essay), second term B (on discussion), third term C (on the essay). I think these grades are trying to tell me something, and I haen't listened. I probably should have dropped during first term and taken U.S. Humanities instead. It may sound like quitting, but I wouldn't necessarily call it quitting as someone quits when they don't want to work to overcome the challenge, I, however, tryed and failed to overcome the challenge which would seem to reflect a lack of talent in the area hance I should never have tried, thus it would not have been quitting. It would have saved me a lot of stress and pain that's for sure. Well I suppose I have learned something as I did not make the same mistake on my schedule for next year. I am taking 3 science classes (1 AP, 1 normal, 1 at KC college), one AP math class, one AP foreign language, technically 3 normal history classes (one per term), and one normal language arts class. Recently I had thought about maybe taking AP Lit, but now I think that idea has most definately been shot down, oh well, good riddence. Now I just need to not fail this essay like I failed the last one and then I will be done with this class forever. Unfortunately for me I don't know if it's possible for me to not fail this next essay.

To the brainstorming part:
Okay so I've basically decided to write about why I ride (horses) which I plan to make some sort of a twist on "Why I Write" essays. If this were a normal essay written out on the computer I don't think I would have too much of a problem (it would be all about me-my voice is present, it's something I feel strongly about-easy for me to write, I plan on writing about all of my 'interesting' experience with horses which all should have deterred me from ever wanting to ride again and then try to explain why I still ride-interesting). The problem for me is I don't know if I can explain (in a way that everyone would understand) why I ride without sounding like a cheeseball. I don't know if I could make anybody understand with words, which is where the pictures and possibly videos come in. I think my gameplan at this point is to start writing about why I ride and those 'interesting' times on the blog and possibly also on word and then take a bunch of pictures of my horse and me riding my horse (with some help from a few friends) to help explain the reasons...I think this sentence has gotten away from me so I'm going to opt to end it here. Okay, sounds like a plan, but I could still use feedback (being as no one has given me feedback thus far).

Monday, May 25, 2009

No Idea What this is For/From (it was in a Lost Promo) but is Really Excellently composed

Just hit play and listen while you work on your essay or some other such project (the picture kind of creeps me out so I made it really small). 6:39 to the end was the music for a Lost promo.

In Plain Sight

This is another excellent show that I casually watch. It's on on Sunday nights on USA at 9. It's about a U.S. Marshall who works in witness protection in Albuquerque (which I obviously cannot spell) and the people whose lives she changes as well as her own family problems.


The main character of the show, Mary Shannon is a U.S. Marshal working in witness protection (Witsec) out of Albuquerque. She is dating a baseball player/star name Raphael (Raph for short) although their relationship has been bumpy thanks in part to her sister. Mary was recently kidnapped when a bunch of drug thugs mistook her for her sister (see next paragraph for more details). When the thugs discovered who she really was Mary was almost raped and murdered thanks to the thugs stupidity (they didn't search her for a weapon), her own level-headed actions, and her partner Marshal Marshall Mann she escaped with only a few minor injuries and of course mental trauma. After finally being cleared for active duty Mary was free to work as a Marshal once more. Lately her mother (Jinx) has just returned from rehab (alcoholic) after receiving a DWI. Mary's father is a convicted felon who is on the run. He has written many letters to Mary over the years as it was Mary who looked after the rest of her family when he left. Recently it was discovered that there may be a man who can help Mary track down and meet with her father.

Mary's younger sister, Brandi, is currently taking college classes so that she can get a real job and support herself both Brandi and her/Mary's mother are living in Mary's house). Earlier she was in a relationship with a man (Chuck) who was involved with trafficking drugs. When Chuck sent Brandi to close a deal (Brandi was holding his drugs for him, a whole suitcase full of meth) she couldn't go through with it and ended up calling the cops on the other partakers in the deal thus screwing them over. After returning from the deal Brandi visited/stayed with Raph for a short while (the two had been very close friends as Brandi had taken care of Raph when he injured his arm) Later Chauck and Mary (who was mistaken for Brandi) were kidnapped by the screwed over thugs who were looking for the drugs that they payed for but never received, the drugs that were supposedly still in the suitcase at the Shannon residence. Meanwhile the FBI got involved with the drug case after Chuck was kidnapped (Chuck had been in the process of giving himself up to the FBI in exchange for entering Witsec when he was kidnapped, the FBI agents were killed). They knew that Brandi was somehow involved with the deal and placed her under house arrest of sorts so she was unable to help Mary. When Mary is finally safe she returns home to get rid of the drugs once and for all. As she is leaving the house with the suitcase she is stopped by the FBI who upon opening the suitcase find nothing but towels. They then proceed to tear apart Mary's house in search of the drugs. They find nothing and the arrogant FBI agent who ordered the search refuses to pay to fix the house thus the house is still in shambles. Brandi is currently dating a billionare recovering alcoholic.

Jinx is Brandi and Mary's mother who is slightly eccentric and a recovering alcoholic. She desperately wants to reunite with her husband and loves both of her daughters dearly. Raph is Mary's boyfriend he recently confessed an affair he had with his physical therapist and after a rough patch was able to work things out with Mary. Marshall Mann is Mary's partner who cares for her, but is more like her brother than her boyfriend. He and Mary often engage in sarcastic battles of wits.

This show is at least half-way through its second season but is definately worth watching over the summer and next year on USA.


Well now that the school year is coming to a close I suppose it is time to reflect on how my blog has developed over the course of the year. My blog started off as a collection of random posts about un-related topics. As of first trimester I had no real centric theme. However during second trimester the weather caused school to be cancelled/delayed for a week which allowed me time to grow bored. This major weather cancellation also happened to occur the week before the new season of Lost premiered when ABC aired a three hour block containing the final episodes of season 4. It also happened that over the previous summer I had become quite a Lost addict and had managed to watch most of the seasons (except for season 3, but that's a whole nother story). Anywho I found my calling. I began to blog about new episodes of Lost as well as random movies that I had watched which boosted me well past my blog quota for that trimester. This trimester I have not had as much time to blog what with all the AP things happening, but I have managed to keep my blog from becoming the sad little excuse for a random rant that it was during the first trimester.

Looking back I remember hating my blog and hating having a quota to meet each week because I had no idea what on Earth I could possibly have to contribute to the world. I had no strong opinions on anything that I thought other people would be interested in. Now I absolutely love my blog (I still despise the quota thing because of all of the other things I have to do for school that have to take presidence over blogging), but I think I will probably keeep my blog at least until the Lost series finale next year (when I hopefully will have won my bet and have a very long blog post consisting of pure gloating). In the long run I'm very glad we were required to start our own blogs this year. It was nice to have an outlet for my opinions on something that very few other people care about.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Las Vegas - The show about the town not the town

(Characters from left to right: Sam, Mary, Danny, Mike, Ed, Delinda)

So I've found a new show to follow over the summer (is it still following if the show has already had its series finale and you're watching reruns on TNT?). "Las Vegas" originally was on NBC on I'm guessing Friday nights (it seems like a Friday night show) and is about a fabricated casino/hotel, the Montecito, on the Las Vegas strip (it was actually, I believe, at the Monte Carlo) and the main/head employees whose lives are affected by the Montecito and the other employees. This show has quickly become one of my favorite shows because it combines comedy, sarcasm, action, a hint of drama (okay more than a hint), and some romance to create the show that is perfect for every mood and everyone.

Characters (background info, basically if you read this you can start watching on Monday and know enough to follow the plot):

Ed Deline: Originally Head of Security eventually President of Operations Ed is the Godfather of the Casino/Hotel. He takes care of his people and investigates when shenanigans (i.e. murders, suicides, thefts, kidnappings, etc.) occur. Ed is an ex-marine and also ex-CIA so he has connections which enable him to get things done faster than any police department and sometimes even faster than the FBI, he also has a lot of enemies. Ed's government/foreign connections often get him and anyone involved with him into all sorts of shenanigans. However, he is very strong, and well trained in martial arts so although he may look like an old fart he most definately does not act like one. Father to Delinda (adopted father of sorts to Nessa) and wife to Jillian, although all of the heads of departments are like his children. Ed is my favorite President of Operations.

Danny McCoy: Danny is a Las Vegas local (he was born and raised there along with Mary who willbe discussed later and Luis who is a Las Vegas cop). His father owned a construction company and his mother died when he was young. Danny is/was a marine and has been deployed twice. The second time he was deployed he was sent on a top secret mission and only Ed knew where he was and what happened to him while he was there. When Danny comes back he proposes to Mary who sort of accepts for a while but (although it was her dream) eventaully declines. When Danny came back he was not the same person, he was impulsive and wasn't able to sleep. This change was due to the fact that while he was on his mission he and his team were ambushed and he was forced to call in an airstrike on top of himself and his team, he was the only survivor and although his actions saved many lives he refuses to accept the fact that he is a hero. This is made apparent when Danny refuses to accept the Silver Star that he has been awarded for his bravery. Danny is absolutely in love with Mary, has had a relationship with both Delinda and Sam (although he acts more like Sam's older brother) and is good friends with Nessa. He will do anything it takes to protect any of the girls (as was seen when he, under Ed's orders, tried to keep Sam in her suite while there was a murderer after her) Ed considers Danny a son and Danny considers Ed a father-figure. He is currently (as in if you start wathing on Monday) Head of Surveillance and Security.

Mary Connell: A local and Danny's childhood sweetheart. Mary's father was abusive, she spent most of her childhood with Danny and his family (she hid at his house for 21 days after running away from home). Danny told her father that if he ver touched Mary again he would kill him and reaffirmed his threat when Mary's father showed up at the Montecito. Mary loves Danny but cannot find a good enough reason to marry him (she thinks that he's not thinking it throuh, I say oh well). Mary is very nice which makes her somewhat gullible and gets her into trouble every so often. She is good friends with practically everybody at the Montecito and is who everyone goes to with their emotional problems (all other sorts of problems go to Ed). Mary is the 'sweetheart' of the Casino and is Head of Special Events (meaning she plans concerts, weddings, magic shows, etc.).

Samantha Jane Marquez: Sam is a freelance Casino Host who lives at the Montecito and puts on a show for not needing anyone and being heartless, but is really a generally caring person (deep, deep, deep down). She ran away from home (she was living with her grandmother) at 16 and witnessed a murder (the murder of her employer/boyfriend/billionare fellow) at age 17. When the murderer escaped from prison he came after Sam for two reasons 1)She testified against him causing him to go to jail and 2)she knew where her billionare beau had hidden solid silver bars (what he didn't know was that Sam had already collected said bars and locked them in a safe in her suite). Thanks to Danny and Ed the culprit was put bakc behind bars (where he eventually died) and Sam was safe. Sam doesn't truly trust anyone and cares mostly about her job because it is the only security that she has, she rarely puts down roots. Her job as a Casino Host is to keep the high rollers playing for as long as possible and to supply them with any luxury they might require that would cause them to stay and play longer at the Montecito. Lately she tried to help bust the Juarez Cartel after finding out that one of her whales (high rollers, you need to know that term in order for the show to make sense) was laundering money for them. This happened right after a big spat with Ed and so Ed does not entirely trust her. Anyway Sam eventually met with the head of the Cartel wearing a wire for the FBI and was almost killed in gunfight that ensued after the wire was discovered, luckily Ed was there to come to the rescue. Sam is an otherwise completley self-reliant person and can hold her own with just about anyone. Recently it was revealed that Sam was and is still married. She also seems to have an affinity for lying. (I think if you put her, House, James 'Sawyer' Ford, and Ben Linus in the same room only one of them would survive and my money would either be on House or Sam. I think the two of them would make the perfect couple as they both possess the same personality traits, but maybe that's just me.)

Mike Cannon: a physics/engineering genius Mike has a degree from MIT and originally worked as Head Valet at the Montecito due to a claustrophobia problem he had (this problem became quite evident when Mike freaked out during a power outage when he, Ed and Mitch (another security agent) were locked in the security room). Anywho Mike was promoted (demoted really as it was a pay cut) to a security agent when Ed decided that his MIT expertise were absolutely indespensible to the security team and were being wasted on the valeting. Mike has never to my knowledge been in an incredibly serious relationship because women apparently find his incredible smarts unappealing. Ed trusts Mike to help him solve all sorts of crimes and the like with his vast knowledge of all things mechanical. Mike is a computer/mathmatical/physics genius and these attributes allow him to do things that other people otherwise could not (use microscopic cameras to catch thieves and cheaters). Mike was recently responsible for resuing a young lady froma serial rapist/killer and also helped Ed get out of an unjust Traffic Violation ticket. Mike is Danny's best friend and is the closest thing that Danny has to a brother. The two get competitive at times, but make a hilarious and dynamic duo.

Delinda Deline: Delinda has a genius IQ which you would never guess from watching the show as she seems to insist on acting like an airhead. Every once in a while her genius shows when she helps solve a murder (as she did recently) or exhibits her wilderness survival techniques. Delinda runs the Montecito's restaurant/club the Mystique and therefore has to constantly put up with her chef's (Gunther) antics and predjudices. She is a fashion genius, but als very, very ADD. She and Sam are the two most kidnapped people on the show due to their contacts (Delinda's relationship to Ed and Sam's relationships to multiple millionares). She had a brief relationship with Danny at the beginning of season one but Ed quickly put the kabosh on that ater catching them in bed. Ever since then it seems that Delinda has a new boyrfriend every week. It was recently revealed that Delinda was married for a weekend and no one has seen her ex-husband since then (suggesting that Ed may have been less than thrilled). Delinda and Nessa grew up together and are practically sisters which means they also bicker quite a bit. Although Delinda may seem like a ditz she is actually brilliant, it just rarely shows.

Nessa Holt: Nessa is the Pit Boss at the Montecito and is a genius at all things invollving gambling. She can spot a cheater/card caounter from anywhere int the casino. She can also tell who is winning a game of poker simply by observing their behavior for a few seconds. Her father was a con man who was allegedly used and then killed by the CIA. It has been suggested that Ed was involved in her father's 'death,' but nothing has been confrimed. Ed has however raised Nessa ever since her father disappeared. I say disappeared because it would seem that her father has been to the Montecito to check up on Nessa quite a bit meaning that he is not acutally dead, but rather hiding in an untouchable country. Nessa is also capable of holding her own but can not stand to be on the outside of a secret. I think she has a little thing for Mike, but who knows. She is also competitive when it comes to who she and Delinda date. Danny has also promised to show her the sites of Vegas but has never gotten around to it. Not too long ago Nessa was payed a visit by a woman who seemed to know how to get Nessa into contact with her father. The woman actually turned out to be a thief, but was quickly caught by Ed, Mike, and Nessa. Since then Nessa has given up on finding her biological father as Ed has been more of a father to her than that man ever was.

I think that covers just about everything you need to know for Monday. Now that I have finished making the show sound like a cheesy soap opera I highly recommend that you watch it and judge it for yourself. As I stated earlier I think it has something for everyone to enjoy, but maybe that's just me (I doubt it though).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If You are a Guy Don't Read This (trust me you will regret it if you do)

PMS (If you are a guy I bet you believe me now about regretting reading this) and the events that follow directly after it are somethiing that no one should ever have to endure and yet every woman (exepting those with medical differences) endure it every month. The degree of discomfort can very from barely noticing it to not even being able to walk. I would be one of those crippled women. Let's put it this way, if these are menstral cramps I fear that I may die during labour/birthing. When my time of the month roles around I become extraordinarily emotional (como las que estan embarazadas), bloated to the size of a first trimester pregnant woman, endure extreme amounts of pain (I am often awakened in the middle of the night by this pain and am somethimes un-willing to walk in a non-hunched over manner), and I generally become anemic to a certain degree (my hemoglobin dropped to 10.6 at one point I believe, normal is 13, I finally got mine back up to 12.9). Basically life sucks. School only makes life worse because if one becomes stressed one's cramps become unbearable and then one shrivels into a little ball. (Guys complain about aches and pains all the time but no guy ever had to endure a little piece of hell every month. Quite honestly they can be quite wussy at times and it rather annoys me.) So now (as in currently) I am majorly stressed and in quite a lot of pain. I have quite a bit of work to do this weekend and not really all the time in the world to do it. Let's list all of the things that are causing stress: AP Bio project due Wednesday, AP Lang Portfolio due Wednesday, AP Lang [impossible] essay due within three weeks, Spanish speaking finals due in 13 days, Spanish written final in 13 days, some sort of misunderstanding about work next fall that I care no to discuss, allergies, sinus infection, and I am very behind on this forsaken blog due to the fact that I have not been home lately due to family deaths and marrriages (actually only one of each, but one is more than enough) etc. And the fact that I have all of these things to do prevents me from doing the one thing that generally relieves my stress: ride. Grades come before my mental health I guess. Oh I forgot that I also have some things to get done before the Spain trip in three weeks from Thursday...great more work. I am almost beginning to regret doing all of these extracurricular things/difficult classes. I am so stressed and there is nothing I can do about it because I don't have the time and I am hormonally unstable which generally favors me brooding on the strongest emotion which in this case would be stress. I just remembered another stress item (or two), my Pre-calc class believes me to be an idiot (thus I fell like an idiot) and I have a pre-calc test to make up Thursday after school. Terrific. And I haven't been able to work out very much/consistantly and so not only to I feel fat, but I am fat and having all of the water weight from my freaking period is not helping me out at all. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am an emotional wreck. I need a vacation in which I do abolutely nothing. I need to get away. Speaking of which I was thinking today about what I am going to do after college and I decided that I might possibly be the kind of person who never really puts down roots and is constantly moving. Quite honestly that lifestyle would be okay with me. I'm already something of a loner at school and I like to keep to myself (it doesn't really bring me any pleasure to share my issues with other people, it's not their proble so it shouldn't be something they have to worry about). I could do the runner lifestyle, I might actually enjoy that. I think I have ranted about everything that I needed to rant about so let's wrap up this rant shall we. Stress sucks. PMS/Menstralness sucks. School sucks (at the moment). The end.

Red Shirts

I know that I haven't written about the season finale (which was absolutely superb) yet, but I realized something today that gave me the utterost confidence that there is a great chance that I will win my Lost bet. So I went to to see if Lost was still the top show of all time (it is) and decided for some reason or another and noticed a comment pertaining to the color of Juliet's shirt in the last episode. Her shirt was red. Now I am not a 'trekkie' by any means, but I did go see the new Star Trek movie (mainly because it was a J.J. Abrams [who directs Lost] movie with music by Michael Giachino) and I happen to know the significance of the red shirt being as my father and brother are huge trekkies. So I did a little digging and found that most everybody who died on Lost (people who you see, not nameless extras) were wearing red shirts when they died. Colors varied from reddish brown to pink, but were still in the general red category. Anyway a list of these characters would include:
  1. Juliet (who I believe to be dead)
  2. Neil 'Frogurt'
  3. Shannon
  4. Charlie (I believe his shirt was in the brown category)
  5. Michael (whose shirt was also brown, but he was wearing a red shirt when he traded Kate, Sawyer, Jack, and Hurley for Walt)
  6. Boone (instigator of the red shirt joke on the show)
  7. Nikki
  8. Charlotte (orange undershirt counts)

That's what I could find, there may be more, I just don't really have the energy to look. Anywho I believe that strengthens my argument that Juliet is indeed dead and therefore not with Sawyer, thus freeing up Sawyer to be with Kate...I win.

Last Minute Essay - I need FEEDBACK

So I am having a bit of trouble coming up with a topic for the final essay for this class and although I really appreciate ideas that have been brought to my attention I am still looking for alternatives.

Idea that has been brought to my attention:
As you my or may not know I own a horse (a mare, which is a female horse for all of you who are not equinely inclined) who gets into all sorts of shenanigans do to what seems to be an unnaturally high amount of female hormones (for those of you who are not getting the drift, my mare is for lack of a better word a slut which gets her into large amounts of trouble). Anyway she has done a few things in the past that my deter people from pursuing the act of horse-back riding and for those who do attempt to ride find that she is extremely difficult to control requiring very strong abs in order to keep her from moving at a breakneck speed. She is a very pretty mare with a personality much like mine (those who know me might also agree that this might deter someone from wanting anything to do with her), but those are probably the only two attributes a non-horse person would see in her (actually just the pretty thing as my previous statement negates the fact that she has two good attributes). Anyway it was suggested by one of my good friends that I write about why I keep riding despite all of the negative things surrounding the sport (and yes it is a sport). Negative things: trusting a one ton animal not to throw you off and kill you, putting up with the hormonal antics, feeding her everyday in winter, spring and fall (including the -50 degree windchill days), paying for hoof care every couple months, putting up with her spookiness, putting up with her hard mouth (which I am in the process of fixing), walking through mud, touching horse-mud on her legs in order to pick her feet and keep her from becoming lame, all these things and more should make a person run screaming for the sport and yet I relish in it. The problem with writing an essay about this is that I don't think I can explain why I keep doing it because it's not something you explain it's something you feel. However the more I write about this the more I actually think I could pull this essay off, but it would require visuals possibly including video accompanied by music which I have no idea how to procure.

If you have any other ideas for an essay for me please let me know,
Thanks very much.

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Follow the Leader"

Wow. That's about all I have to say besides...I WIN!!!! Or at least Aaron lost since Jack told Kate that he would rather have never met her than crashed on the Island he has absolutely NO chance patching things up with her AND if she goes back to him after that I will be severely disappointed. PLUS Kate ended up in the same predicament as Sawyer and Juliet in the end which could allow time for their relationship to rekindle. Being as I absolutely despise Sawyer and Juliet's relationship as well as Sawyer's change in attitude I am truly hoping that things work out between him and Kate. Even Elizabeth Mitchell supports the Sawyer/Kate relationship and she plays Kate's competition, check it out:

Okay, now to the major plot points (and there are a lot of them this week):
  • Decided he was going to be a pain in the arse and (despite Richard and Ben's warnings) decided not only does he want to go see Jacob he wants to take all of the Others to go see Jacob.
  • We found out that Locke was the one who told Richard to tell Locke that Locke had to bring everybody back to the Island and in order to do so he would have to die.
  • Locke told everybody else that he is going to see Jacob because he wants to find a way to reunite with his people (Jack, Kate, Hugo, etc.), but he later revealed to Ben that he is going to see Jacob so that he can kill him.
  • When Sun showed Richard the picture of the people in 1977 he said he remembered them distincly because he watched them all die...dun, Dun, DUN!

1977 (Jack and Kate):

  • Kate and Jack watch Faraday get shot, when Jack impusively decides to run towards danger, Kate pulls him back and tells him that they have to run away.
  • They start to run away and are stopped by two men on horseback with rifles (one of which is Widmore). Kate watches as the two men beat up Jack.
  • The two are then brought down into the Hostile camp where they are questioned by Eloise, she believes that they are not truly Dharma folk and has them put in her tent.
  • Whilst waiting in the tent Jack reveals to Kate that he believes Daniel's plan to reset the past will work and that he intends to carry it out.
  • Kate states that if it works then they will have never met.
  • Jack replies that he would rather have never met her than crashed on the Island (smooth, Jack, and thus I come one step closer to winning my bet).
  • Eloise enters the tent and Jack informs her of what he intends to do.
  • Eloise decides she wants to help because if Jack's plan works she will never kill her son.
  • Eloise takes Jack, Kate, Richard, and some redshirt guard with them and they head for the Hydrogen bomb.
  • When they get to the entrance of the tunnel where the bomb is hidden Kate decides to leave the group and go back to get Sawyer (and company) to see if any f them can talk some sense into Jack since she has failed to do so (she believes that his plan will not solve their problem, but rather kill everyone on the Island, also if the plan works she will go to jail in L.A. so I really don't blame her from wanting to stop Jack).
  • The guard is about to shoot Kate when Sayid shoots him from the bushes.
  • Eloise and Richard are then helpless to do anything but allow Kate to leave.
  • Jack, Sayid, Eloise, and Richard progress towards the bomb which is located in a tunnel.
  • It would appear Sayid supports Jack's plan...L O S T

1977 (Sawyer and Juliet):

  • Sawyer and Juliet are found out by the other Dharma people to have a)helped Kate get Ben to the Hostiles and b)have Phil locked in theie cupboard.
  • They are arrested and Sawyer is tortured (the Dharma people want to know where Kate is and he won't tell them, he also tells Juliet not to tell them no matter what).
  • Eventually the hitting progresses to Juliet.
  • After a while Sawyer asks to make a deal, he will draw a map to the Hostile's camp if he and Juliet are evacuated with the women and children on the sub.
  • It's agreed, he draws the map and they are put on the sub.
  • Just as they are discussing plans for their new life Kate is brought down into the sub and locked up with them...L O S T

1977 (Miles, Hurley, and Jin):

  • These three are about to head to the beach alone when Dr. Chang comes up and asks them if what Daniel said is true.
  • Hurley (with his lack of knowledge of the 70's) accidentally reveals that they are indeed from the future.
  • Miles affirms this and in doing so gives away that he is Dr. Chang's son.
  • Dr. Chang then decides to heed Dan's warning and evacuate the women and children from the Island including his own family...L O S T

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"The Variable" yes I realize the next episode is on tomorrow so it's a good thing I'm putting this up today otherwise if you missed the episode and...

...needed a quick recap of the things you need to know for tomorrows episode and I posted this tomorrow at 7:59pm you would either have to find some magical way (such as Tivo) to record the new episode so as you had time to read this post (but then again if you had Tivo you wouldn't have missed last weeks episode in the first place) OR you would watch tomorrows episode and be totally confused because Lost is written in such a way that if you miss one episode you aren't going to understand the next one unlesss you are incredibly clever beyond all means OR you would miss the beginning of tomorrows episod ebecause you were reading this summary OR you could read this summary while watching tomorrow's episode and only half know what's going on in both...inhale...thus do not complain about the late posting (I know none of you would actually do that I just felt like ranting for a short bit there) because it is in fact not late it is simply on time for tomorrow's episode because now what happened last week will be fresh in your mind. That might in fact be the longest sentence I have ever written.

Okay now getting down to it last weeks episode was rather confusing, here are the things you need to know for tomorrow:

  • Widmore is Daniel Faraday's father (where did he get the name Faraday? his mother's last name is Hawking). Dan's mother convinced him to go to the Island when she told him that doing so would heal his memory loss problem (a consequence of Dan testing his time traveling experiment on himself). ----Flashbacks

  • Oh yeah, Dan came back to the Island at the end of the last episode (but it was recapped at the beginning of this one) after working for the Dharma Initiative in Ann Arbor.

  • Dan believes that his mother was wrong about sending the Oceanic 5 back to the Island when she did because the Dharma people (who are building the Swan Station) are about to drill in a significant amount of electromagnetic energy at the Swan Station site which will cause a huge accident with what I assume will be major casualties. The solution to this energy pocket is to cover the entire area in concrete like Chernoble and have a team of two push a button every 108 minutes to keep the energy at bay.

  • Dan revealed to Dr. Chang that he and Miles are from the future and that Miles is his son (luckily Miles denied everything which for the time being kept the secret safe). He also tells Dr. Chang that he needs to evacuate the Island because of the large electromagnetic energy pocket beneath the Swan Station site.

  • Sawyer held a meeting as to what the Oceanic survivors, Juliet and the leftover Freighter people should do next being as they are in a crapload of trouble (Sawyer has Phil tied up in his closet, Linus suspects Kate and Jack are Hostiles).

  • Dan crashes the meeting and says that he needs to speak with his mother who is a Hostile.

  • The members of the meeting vote on what to do next Sawyer, Miles, Juliet and Hurley vote to pack supplies and go back to the beach to start over.

  • Jack wants Kate to take him and Dan to the Hostiles which leads to a pissing match between the two men: Sawyer: "Kate don't say a thing." Jack: "She can say whatever she wants." Sawyer: "Something, something, something come with us Freckles." Juliet: "[Oh no he didn't] Kate the code to the fence is 141714 (or something else containg ones, sevens, and fours) you should go with Jack."

  • Thus the four who voted to go to the beach start packing and the other three head to the motor pool to get guns.

  • Dan stops to tell a six-year old Charlotte (who according to what Ben said in season 4 shouldn't even be born until July 1979 and it is 1977) that when Dr. Chang evacutates the Island she and her mother need to get on the sub and leave.

  • After arming up at the motor pool a Dharma Bus drives up containing Radzinsky and friends who start shooting after Dan and friends refuse to drop their guns. Dan is nicked in the neck.

  • The three (now fugitives) run to a jeep and speed away.

  • Radzinsky goes to Sawyer and Juliet's house to tell him what happened and discovers that they have Phil tied up in their closet. Sawyer and Juliet are taken into custody.

  • Upon reaching the pylons Kate goes to shut them off. Meanwhile Dan tells Jack that they can in fact die as 1977 is their present (which doesn't make any sense because if they die in the past on the Island their lives will run in a continuous loop and whatnot, but whatever I guess it makes the show more dramatic).

  • The three trek into the jungle, Dan reveals his plan to keep the EM energy from being released (and being as it was the EM energy that crashed the 815 flight destroying the energy will erase the everyone's pasts'/futures' I don't even know anymore). He plans to detonate the Jughead (hydrogen bomb) that the Hostiles buried earlier on.

  • Eventually they reach the Hostiles' camp and Dan goes i waving his gun around demanding to talk with Eloise (his mother).

  • Richard starts talking to him and trying to calm him down telling him that Eloise isn't there.

  • Dan demands to know where the Hydrogen bomb is, points the gun at Richard's head and counts to 3.
  • All of a sudden Dan is shot in the back by none other than Eloise herslef, he tells her that he is her son and then dies...L O S T

This time they have gone too far with the whole time traveling thing, they CANNOT change the past, it is impossible for if they never came to the Island then they never would have to go back and change the past, it CAN'T HAPPEN. If it does happen, and the season finale ends with the plane landing in L.A. I will not only be incredibly pissed, but I will also be incredibly disappointed because the writers have been sooo clever with the plot (up to this point in time) and it would be a shame for them to cop out now.