Sunday, November 9, 2008

Disney: Corrupting the Minds of Children Everywhere

Disney has began the downward spiral toward the plumbing at the end of a porcelain basin. Seriously what is the point of the Disney Channel anymore, all it seems to add to the world are more paychecks for shrinks all around the world. Whereas Disney used to show programs relating to everyday life (i.e. Boy Meets World, which I will agree is not appropriate for all ages, but still...) now it shows useless tidbits of children getting into and magically out of shenanigans all withing 23 minutes of air time. A good example of this would be Suite Life, a show about twin boys that live in, and seem to have free run of, a magical 5 star hotel. In the previously stated whimsical hotel the children run rampid and get it all sorts of shenanigans that in real life would quite possibly result in deportation to military school, but no, this is a magical story so the children always manage to get themselves out of trouble or at least escape a realistic punishment. What does this teach the children of the world? It teaches them that getting into trouble is okay, everything will turn out in the end, take risks, make major mistakes, break things, etc. because there will always be someone there to bail you out. WRONG!!! Sugar-coating life only gives children a sugar rush which leads to a major downfall later in life.

Quite possibly the worst show on Disney is Hannah Montana. This show is about a teenage popstar who lives a "normal" life (in her ginormous multi-million dollar beach house) by hiding her true identity. This show has pretty much the same plot as Suite Life except there isn't a magniforous hotel for the lead to live in. This show (in a some-what backwards/under the table way) teaches children that if youre rich you can get away with anything. It also teaches children (girls in particular) that highschool all about dating and being poular (not about academics). I personally believe that Disney it's 98.957892470689741% to blame for the decline of human intelligence. Texting is to blame for the other 1.whatever%.

Why I Prefer Not to Blog

I don't really like blogging, especially when it's a required act. I much prefer random writings in a writing journal because that is strictly for my own purpose and I don't have to stick to certain topics. Also I am having sooo much trouble getting certain things to actually appear on my blog like they're supposed to. For instance links, I hve tried five times now to get a list of links to appear on my blog and yet as far as I can tell there are no links. If I want something to appear in my writing journal then I simply put pen/pencil to paper and make it happen. The internet is a complicated thing and paper isn't simple as that. Plus in my writing journal my grammar and spelling were allowed to be crazy and now I actually have to watch said things (not that I actually am) which is rather annoying. I also have to meet a quota of words every week which leads me to write useless filler posts such as this one here.

Sentiments for PETA

PETA better known as People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, officially known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I'm going to be very blunt, I harbor a great disliking of PETA. I don't know a whole lot about PETA, but I do know that when the Eight Bells tragedy occurred this year PETA's immediate response was to start pointing fingers at people such as the horse's trainer and owners. I found this act heinous. What happened to Eight Bells was a freak accident and tremendous tragedy. It wasn't an act of hatred or cruelty toward animals until PETA made it out to be. I've got a question for all the PETA fans out there, say you've got a beloved dog that loves to play fetch. One day you are playing fetch when by some freak occurence the ball you are throwing gets out of your yard (which I'm sure is fenced in) and ends up in the street. Your dog, loving the chase follows that ball into the street and gets hit by a car which shatters all four of his legs causing him to need to be euthanized. Does this make you a horrible person who has malicious intent towards all animals? No, this makes you the victim of a horrible accident and quite honestly I don't think you'd like "animal rights activists" sending you nasty emails, writing you offensive letters, or picketing outside your house day and night. It's the same with the Eight Bells tragedy, no one could have ever predicted that she was going to crash and I'm sure if she has shown any signs of injury before the race her owners would have scratched her, so PETA please get over yourselves and quit harassing people who really don't need to be harassed. Here's a thought actually do something to help animals and stop pissing people off.

Now I might greatly detest PETA, but I do agree with some of the things they are sort of halfway fighting for such as shutting down horse slaughter houses (which are cruel and wasteful). I also agree that most other slaughter houses present only a cruel and painful end to the animals they are in charge of and that needs to be rectified. I am also against cruelty to animals which is why I am a member of the ASPCA who actually fights cruelty to animals while PETA merely protests it. If PETA intends to be such a big name in the "fight" against animal cruelty then its members need to be willing to actually do some fighting, at least some fundraising for the ASPCA or some other such organization that actually does something to put an end to cruelty to animals. So please PETA put away the picket signs, get off your bums and do something to protect animals without pissing people off.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I don't really understand why everybody seems to hate the show 'Lost.' There are so many worse shows in the world, for instance 'Grey's Anatomy.' I suppose to each his/her own. I think 'Lost' is a most excellent show because it has something for everyone: drama (a disheveled group of miscreants crash into an island that cannot be found except by those who already know where it is whilst being hunted by something or someone, you can't really get any more dramatic than that), romance (husband and wife work through differences to refind love, a young pregnant lady developes a more-than friendship with a drug addict member of a major rock-band, a Iraqi militant finds and loses love, a love 27agon developes between a theif/murderess and practically every other man on the island, asthmatic step-sister works through her screwed-up past, present and future, need I go on? I think not), action/adventure (people are always fighting, shooting, getting kidnapped, escaping, thieving, learning things they shouldn't and running into major problems), intrigue/mystery (why are they on the island, who's trying to kidnap them, why are people being abducted, why didn't everybody die in the plane crash, what happened in everybody's past life, etc.), sci-fi (the whole thing with Dharma and their civilization on the island), have I left enything out? If so please let me know and I will find something in 'Lost' to represent it. I apologize to all the 'Grey's Anatomy' fans out there but seriously what does 'Grey's Anatomy" have besides sex and phoney drama? And why are all their scrubs blue? Blue scrubs are surgeon scrubs aren't they? Are they ll surgeons?

The obnoxious thing about 'Grey's Anatomy' is that it attempts to portray real life occurences and does so incredibly poorly/inacurrately garbling it up with sleazy crap that nobody really needs to watch on TV. 'Lost' however presents a situation that will never happen in a realistic setting for the circumstances faced by the characters. 'Lost' also has a deeper plot than 'Grey's Anatomy' in the fact that 'Lost' digs into the pasts and futures of each main character in order to better explain and portray the effects of certain events on each character. 'Lost' is a mentally challenging show to watch which might stand cause for the reason that certain people don't like it, they don't have the mental stamina to keep up with the plot. I'm not trying to anger anybody, I'm certain there are people in the world who don't like 'Lost' for different reasons that they can explain, but when someone is asked why they don't like a show and their answer is simply because it is a stupid show maybe they should reevaluate their reasoning.

I have most recently discovered 'Lost' after finishing all five seasons of 'Alias' which is my favourite show ever and was created by the same writer/director and has music composed by the same person. I highly recommend 'Alias' to anyone who enjoys watching 'Lost' as 'Alias' presents a similar mind trip.