Sunday, November 9, 2008

Why I Prefer Not to Blog

I don't really like blogging, especially when it's a required act. I much prefer random writings in a writing journal because that is strictly for my own purpose and I don't have to stick to certain topics. Also I am having sooo much trouble getting certain things to actually appear on my blog like they're supposed to. For instance links, I hve tried five times now to get a list of links to appear on my blog and yet as far as I can tell there are no links. If I want something to appear in my writing journal then I simply put pen/pencil to paper and make it happen. The internet is a complicated thing and paper isn't simple as that. Plus in my writing journal my grammar and spelling were allowed to be crazy and now I actually have to watch said things (not that I actually am) which is rather annoying. I also have to meet a quota of words every week which leads me to write useless filler posts such as this one here.

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