Saturday, March 28, 2009

Estoy Muriendo

I feel like whining as I've had a pretty crappy run lately (don't think about that sentence too hard). So last week I came down with a respiration-ending cough that deprived me of air, my ability to speak, and sleep all week. I went to the doctor and after having two unpleasant tests run on me (influenza and mycoplasma) the doctor was able to determine that I had a virus and there was absolutely nothing she could do for me which was just spiffy. So Wednesday I was still coughing and couldn't speak (when I did speak I sounded a tad bit like Gollum) but I didn't think I was running a fever and my head ddidn't feel quite like it was going to explode so I decided to go to school at least to get the homework and such that I had missed. School went okay, but I had a ton of things to make up (i.e. major tests, papers, etcetera) which was just spectacular for me because by the time school was over and I was home all I wanted to do was sleep. Regardless of that I did all of my immediate homework and emailed a couple of papers to my AP Bio teacher just in case I couldn't go to school the next day (twas an off-chance at that point in time). Then I ate dinner, watched Lost ("Namaste") and went to bed. That night I woke up and for some odd reason that I didn't care to acknowledge couldn't see very well out of one eye (my vision was incredibly blurry), not seeing caused me no problem in gettting back to sleep, but the next morning when I woke up couldn't open my eye all the way, one corner seeme to be glued shut. I got up, went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to my horror there was a ton of matter (gunk) in my eye and half of my eye was a lovely shade of hot pink. I went and told my mother figuring that pink-eye was no reason to miss school. Oh how wrong I was, pink-eye is incredibly contagious and is capable of spreading through a school like wildfire through a drought-stricken valley. Thus I went back to bed. That was a very miserable day, between hacking and not being able to rub my incredibly itching/burning eye. That afternoon I got my antibiotics (Z-pack) which did absolutely nothing to relieve anything, but made me non-contagious enough that I thought maybe, just maybe, I would be able to go to school the next day. Well, the next morning I woke up and couldn't open my eye at all so school went out the window once again. So I emailed my teachers for my homework and went back to bed. The next day I felt a little better, but still wasn't capable of doing uch other than sitting on the couch and watching television while coughing and trying not to rub my eye. the next day was more of the same (less pink and matter in my eye though). Monday was good, I took a friend of mine to the Barn and let her ride my horse. Tuesday was horrific I ended up with a tremendous migraine that caused half of my forehead to swell up to twice its normal size prompting people to ask if I had hit my head on something (which I hadn't). Wednesday was okay (yay, more Lost), but I had planned to do homeowork on Tuesday and Wednesday and since I slept through Tuesday I only had Wednesday and I spent most of Wednesday at church making soup and serving food so I didn't get much done. Thursday I had another migraine which was bad because I had a six-hour drive to Seward, Nebraska ahead of me (luckily I wasn't driving so I slept most of the way). Yesterday was fun I visited my sister's college (as in college visit) and watched Twilight for the first time (meh, twas okay) with her and her friends last night. Today I woke up and my eye was weird again (it's a little pink and there was quite a bit of junk in it) then worked for 3 and a half hours on my paper for AP Lang (which is really, REALLY BAD) and now it's done and I'm starting to get a migraine. Oh joy. I'm going to go heat up my lunch now.

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