Monday, March 30, 2009

"He's Our You"

I quite enjoyed this episode, but due to my tardiness in writing this post and illness last week (which has left me with a mound of make-up work to complete and a migraine headache to deal with) I am only going to summarize important events of the episode (things you'll need to know for next week).

  • After being brought to New Otherton and imprisoned in what will eventually become Ben's basement Sayid is questioned by Horace who assumes due to the handcuffs that Sayid is either in some sort of disagreement with 'his people' (meaning the Hostiles as they assume he is a Hostile since there are supposedly no other people on the Island and Sayid is not a member of the Dharma Initiative, my question is why didn't Sawyer just say that the Oceanic 4 who are currently in his timeline are the long-lost members of his research team?) making Horace sympathetic towards him or he is a spy making him ripe for the killing. Sayid does not answer any of his questions.
  • Sawyer then tries to convince Sayid to allow him to beat Sayid up to make it look like he got Sayid to confess that he was trying to defect from the Hostiles so that Sayid can become a free member of the D.I. Sayid refuses and tells Sawyer that he is on his own.
  • Sawyer 'has no other choice' but to let the Dharma people take Sayid to their interrogator who gives Sayid what I assume was Sodium Pentathol (truth serum) which causes Sayid to confess that he came to the Island via Ajira flight 316 in turn causing him to confess that a) he has been to the Island before b) that he is from the future c) that he knows everything about the Dharma stations and d) that the everyone in the Dharma Initiative is going to die in the Purge. This unbelievable confession causes the Dharma people to think that their interrogator screwed up the dose and that they will never get the truth out of Sayid. (Wow, that was a great plan Sawyer, good thinking he almost exposed you and everyone who you love.)
  • After returning Sayid to his cell the Dharma people take a vote on whether or not to kill Sayid it is almost unanimous in favor of executing Sayid escept for Sawyer. After a few words from Horace Sawyer changes his nay to a yay in order to 'keep his standing' w/the Dharma folks. He then goes to release Sayid, but Sayid doesn't take the opportunity to run I believe Destiny was involved in his reasons for not running.
  • Sawyer then goes to talk to Kate (who was recently informed by Hurley about the relationship between Sawyer and Juliet) about why she came back to the Island, they are interrupted by a burning Hippie Bus before she is able to answer (I hope what she was going to say was something along the lines of "Because there wasn't anything worth staying for back in L.A." because that would have been something of poetic justice, but I suppose I shan't ever know). Sawyer and Kate rush to help the people in the burning house that the bus crashed into.
  • Meanwhile in his future basement Ben releases Sayid in exchange for Sayid's promise to take him to the Hostiles. The tow head along a dirt road out of New Otherton where Sayid is spotted by Jin who is driving a hippie bus. Sayid tells Jin that Sawyer let him go then has no choice but to knock Jin unconscious when he radios 'LaFleur' to check out Sayid's story.
  • Sayid then tells Ben that he was right about him (in a flashback big Ben told Sayid that he was a natural born killer and that it was really the only thing he was good at) then shoots him...L O S T!
  • In flashbacks we learned that Sayid was on the plane being escorted by a bounty hunter (Ilana) back to Guam to receive justice for killing someone Ben had asked him to kill, that's really all that was important I think.
My opinion: Ben's not dead, what happened, happened, they cannot change the past and they cannot die for if they died in the past they could never come to the Island in the future meaning that they have to get back to real time or their lives on the Island will run in an endless loop. I am really curious where they will go with the whole Sayid is a Hostile thing and if he will actually join the Hostiles. I'm also thinking that the reason Ben picked Sayid to be his assassin was because Sayid shot him when he was a child (remember people heal much faster on the Island than normally). So many twists, I am really excited for next week, wonder whose flashbacks it will be (can't be Jack or John's their lives have been pretty much fully explained). What's going to happen to Ben now that he is w/John (who he murdered)? Where are all the other original survivors (Steve, Rose, Bernard, etc.)? Jack and Juliet, Sawyer and Kate? Will Jack in an angry and resentful flurry of emotions try to overthrow Sawyer as the leader and start doing things his own way? I also wonder how Sun and Lapidus will get to the '70s and if Claire will show up w/Christian at any point. So many questions that really need to be answered. Oy to the Vey. Exciting.

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