Saturday, October 25, 2008

I was taking the ACT and then it came to me...

Whilst I was sitting in agony attempting to decipher an essay about paper usage my mind began to wander. Eventually it wandered to the topic of my blog (which was a rather short trip: essay ->AP Lang ->Blog). I began to think hard on what topic I should write about today and eventually I realized it was tome to write about one of my actual blog topics: Movies/Television quotes. Not just any quotes either, fellow bloggers may I present "The Gilmore Awards." As anyone who has watched "Gilmore Girls" knows the Gilmores are big on movies and full of excellent quotes so The Gilmore Awards shall honor my favorite television and movie quotes. (Please keep in mind that in order to find the funny/importance in some of these quotes you must have seen the show or movie so please do not complain/mock/put-down unless you have seen the show/movie and can answer a few questions about said form of entertainment)
"Wow I Wish Someone Would Say That To Me Quote"
  1. Will Tippin(Alias): 'Syd I don't love you for what you do or what you don't do, I just love you.'
  2. Noah(The Notebook): 'So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out.'
  3. Westley(The Princess Bride): 'As you wish.'

Now that the most boring category is finished let us get on to the good stuff:

"Best Quotes Compliments of Great Britain (,Australia, and possibly New Zealand)"

  1. Elizabeth Swann(PotC2): [indignantly] 'No! This is barbaric! This is no way for grown men to settle... oh, fine! Let's just haul out our swords and start banging away at each other! That will solve everything! I've had it! I've had it with wobbly-legged, rum-soaked pirates!' [starts throwing rocks at them]
  2. Evelyn Carnahan(The Mummy): 'He must have been somone of great importance or he did something very naughty.'
  3. Julian Sark(Alias): 'Did it have to be so filthy? I mean, really, if Rambaldi can prophesize the future, he might have advised me not to wear $500 shoes.'
  4. Vala Mal Doran(Stargate SG-1): 'You know, I never thought I'd agree with my father but now I'm starting to remember about how he used to go about, you nurture them, and you raise them, and you teach them the best that you can, and then all they do is break your heart. I always assumed that his experience was just tainted by me.'

"Quotes and Dialogues by Elizabeth Corday (There were too many to fit in the British Category)"

  1. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: [on the phone] I don't care if it's raining fire and brimstone, you are going to get me to that church if I have to ride on your back like a bloody donkey [hangs up angrily] Isabelle Corday: Perhaps you should eat something Dr. Elizabeth Corday: I do not need to eat. Nor do I need a spot of tea, or a moment of quiet reflection on this, my special day. This is America, and sometimes you just have to kick some ass.
  2. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: That's it, then! I'm not staying here anymore! Dr. Mark Greene: Here we go. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: Every faucet leaks, your toilet actually rocks! Dr. Mark Greene: I kinda like that. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: And there are creatures scurrying about in the walls. Do you know what scurries about in walls, Mark? Dr. Mark Greene: ...Bunnies?
  3. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: I can't believe I was allowing myself to feel something for an absolute... Abby Lockhart: Bastard? Jerk?... Wanker?
  4. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: He's a horrid little turd, isn't he?
  5. Dr. Elizabeth Corday: Bollucks to you all!

"The Lorelais Gilmore"

  1. Rory: Do something to make me hate you! Lorelai: Um, go Hitler?
  2. Lorelai: What happened? The reception on the phone sucked. All I heard was "Rory" and "Chilton" and "Get down here." Whose butt do I have to kick? Rory: We didn't go to breakfast. Lorelai: What are you talking about? Rory: We came here. They broke into the headmaster's office as the big initiation. Lorelai: Ugh, those stupid girls. Rory: Uh huh. Part of the initiation was ringing a bell. So, that's what I was doing when security showed up and they called you. Lorelai: That's what you got busted for? That's it? Bell-ringing? Rory: Yes. Lorelai: Were you at least smoking a Cuban cigar while you were doing it? Rory: Mom. Lorelai: No, I mean, "bad girl, how many times have I told you not to ring bells?" Rory: [interrupting] Let's go. Lorelai: [continuing] "They can dent, or scratch, and they make dogs go crazy. Who do you think you are, the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Are you French? Circular? I don't think so." Rory: I'm walking to the car now. Lorelai: [later] Was it a big bell at least?
  3. [At the Yale-Harvard football game] Lorelai: Oh, wait, are you Pennilyn Lott, my dad's college sweetheart? Pennilyn Lott: Yes. Lorelai: You're my almost-mommy. Pennilyn Lott: Well, I supposed that's one way of putting it... Lorelai: I'm so glad to finally meet you. Let me ask you something - would you have let me get a pony?
  4. Lorelai: Mom, it's just a pretend wedding. J-Lo has them all the time.
  5. Lorelai: [at the town meeting, when everyone is talking about the bad things that Jess has done] I hear he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter!
  6. Rory: So, is this party Grandma's having going to be a big deal? Lorelai: Not really. The government will close that day. Flags will fly at half-mast. Barbara Streisand will give her final concert... again. Rory: Uh-huh. Lorelai: Now, the Pope has previous plans, but he's trying to get out of them. However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming and they're bringing chips.
  7. Lorelai: Hey, I'm studying in there... Rory: I know. Lorelai: Yeah. I have, like, 6,000 pages of case studies to memorize and this whole big test on the Wal-Mart phenomena coming up on Friday and because I have a life and a job and business school's not the only thing I have to concentrate on I'm behind, and I'll probably fail and then that little 18-year-old annoying gnat who sits behind me will get another 'A' and make that 'I'm smart you're dumb' fact to me for the rest of the week and I'll be very upset and will possibly cry. Rory: The music's too loud. Lorelai: Yes.
  8. Lorelai: Heh, you know what I just realized? "Oy" is the funniest word in the entire world. Rory: Hmm. Lorelai: I mean think about it, you never hear the word "oy" and not smile. Impossible. Funny, funny word. Emily: Oh dear God. Lorelai: "Poodle" is another funny word. Emily: Please drink your drink, Lorelai. Lorelai: In fact, if you put "oy" and "poodle" together, in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catchphrase, you know? Like, "Oy with the poodles already." Rory: Hehe. Lorelai: So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catchphrase: Rory: Oy with the poodles already. Lorelai: I'm telling you, it's knocking "Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" right out of first place.

"The Ultimate Gilmore"

Lorelai: My brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish. I'm writing a letter, I can't write a letter, why can't I write a letter? I'm wearing a green dress, I wish I was wearing my blue dress, my blue dress is at the cleaners. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue, 'Casablanca' is such a good movie. Casablanca, the White House, Bush. Why don't I drive a hybrid car? I should really drive a hybrid car. I should really take my bicycle to work. Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants!

"The Gilmore Awards" are a major work in progress so please be aware that there is MUCH more to come this is simply all my tired little brain could come up with after five straight hours of standardized tests.

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