Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice

Despite their somewhat cheesy qualities I do enjoy the "Librarian" movies. These movies are to me as a 10 cent love story novel is to the serious book-a-holic, they are not everyone's cup of tea. So in all fairness I must give an bias-less review.

If you are like me and enjoy the cheesy action-adventure Indiana Jones type movies then this would be a good movie for you. (I did not mean to insinuate that Indiana Jones was cheesy by the way, those movies are lactose intolerant as far as cheesiness goes.) This movie involved vampires and had a no-thought-required plot in which Flynn Carson travels to Louisiana on vacation per a dream he had of a beautiful woman and ends up searching for the Judas Chalice (a goblet made out of the pieces of silver paid to Judas for the betrayal of Jesus Christ) that has the ability to resurrect dead vampires (here is a full synopsis). It contained some good mythology and a few brain teasers, but was very predictable as far as who was bad and what would happen in the end. The one thing I found interesting was the conspiracy surrounding Judson (the owner and keeper of The Library) who is, as viewers found out in the latest movie, over 2000 years old and the very first Librarian. The legend is that Judas hung himself after betraying Jesus and was cursed to forever wander the night making him the very first vampire. Judson's last name technically could be pronounced Judeson = Judason or son of Judas which was a nice play on words. The end of the movie also left an opening for another movie to be made which can either be annoying (because it is inconclusive) or to the true fan exciting (because it means that there is more to the story).

On the other hand if you are a very serious movie watcher and feel that movies in which you can predict the end at the beginning are a waste of your time then I highly recomend that you not watch this movie because it wasn't all that terrific. The graphics were easily detectable and the jokes were mainly one-liners. There wasn't really any majorly thought-provoking material and 'ah-ha' type moments were scarce if not nonexistent.

While I may have enjoyed the movie many others probably did/would not. If I had to un-bias-edly rate the movie I would probably give it one and one half stars due to the previously stated facts and on top of that it was not family-friendly which can be a major determining factor for some viewers. The first two movies were better although they probably wouldn't light any fires in Hollywood either.

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