Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trouble Starts With 'T' Which Rhymes With 'E' Which Stands for Essay

I have had some major difficulties with writing essays very recently. To be more accurate yesterday I had an anvil dropped on my head when I found out that the essay that determines quite a chunk of my final grade had received a C+. I am an A average student so one can only imagine how I felt. It was ironic because a week ago I caught part of an episode of Gilmore Girls, it was a very early episode from the first season in which Rory has just transferred to Chilton and is taking an AP Language Arts class. During the previously stated episode Rory gets her first paper back and is shocked to see a red D circled at the top of the paper. I remember watching that episode and not being able to imagine the shock of a D paper and being glad that I didn't have to, but Lo and behold yesterday I practically did. I struggled yesterday with deciding whether or not to drop down to a lower level LA class because I felt incredibly stupid, at the end of the day (literally) I decided the class offered a chance to improve my writing and experience a bit of college, besides I'm going to be a nurse not an essayist so no worries as far as my career goes.

Today I had another anvil dropped on my head when the class was assigned another essay identical to the last. I have no idea what to write about and am clueless on how to effectively go about writing that which I have no clue. I don't even know what the purpose of the essay is supposed to be. I am lost. Wait a minute...

I've just grown a brain and decided to look at the essay options and they are indeed different from the last essay. Hark, light on the horizon, I am saved. This essay actually looks to be something I can write successfully about. I think I am going to use my bad essay as an oportunity to grow. I read throught the remarks last night and was able to come the the conclusion that my essay was filled of rubbish and had about as much use as kindling, but the comments made should help me write my next essay...I hope. Well now that I have finished ranting about absolutely nothing important I feel much better and can now move on to a different rant. Oh happy day (if you could actually here me say this you would know that it is oozing sarcasm).

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