Sunday, January 18, 2009

Los Hermanos Jonas

Two words: Boy Band. What do boy bands have to offer the world? The answer: absolutamente nada. Seriously what is the world's fascination with the Jonas brothers? I don't get it. In my French class I sit next to two girls who are absolutely in love with different Jonas Brothers and Edward Cullen. Speaking of which what is the world's fascination with Twilight? What started it? What hooks teenage girls on boys who are fictional characters and boys that might as well be fictional characters for the chances that an average girl has at dating them (being as there are millions of girls in love with three boys).

I looked up the definition of boy band and this is the page that I got (
Boy Band - 1 dictionary result

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Main Entry:
boy band
Part of Speech:
a formulaically organized pop music group of good-looking young men who can sing and dance

What does formulaically mean?
made according to a formula; composed of formulas: a formulaic plot.
being or constituting a formula: formulaic instructions.

In other words all Boy Bands are the same, love one, love them all.


Anonymous said...

yeah i'm one of the girls that sits next to you in french that is in love with nick jonas, and edward cullen.
but like seriously, boy band?!
be a little nicer, i mean yes millions of girls are in love with three boys, all over the world..
but i've always been a dreamer i guess, and like i believe i can get nick, if i tried hard enough, i know it sounds crazy.
and even worse that i'm love with a book charcter, but how can you NOT want someone like edward? he's amazing<3

Anonymous said...

I can not want someone like Edward because there is Josh Holloway. They ARE a boy band, they came up in the definition.