Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jogging Woes followed by a Random Rant

I successfully injured myself jogging again and so I regrettfully admit defeat by winter. I will not jog again until the snow is off the ground, but to stay in shape until then I shall use the which will hopefully save my leg/foot from untimely destruction. I kinda need my foot. This completely off-topic and random post brought to you by cabin fever and stir craze. I have recently become a fan of ebay on which I was able to buy something brandnew cheaper than I found it at Wal-Mart (which I despise). If Wal-Mart and Target had to fight to the death my money would be on Wal-Mart. If the innaguration is Tuesday does that mean that the Biggest Loser won't be on? This would be the second time that last years election has interfered with said show, sad. Lost is on on Monday and Wednesday, but not on Tuesday. Thursday is a sad day, on Thirsday night one goes to bed almost completely defeated by a week of school and tests and homework with only the thought that one must get through yet another day of school before the end of the week. Tomorrow is Monday, which would usually be a bad thing except for the fact that it is a half day meaning that after doing nothing at school for almost four hours I will be able to come home and relax while cramming for an ap bio test that I successfully avoided with the snow days we had last week. I did manage to get most of my homework done though, although I should have gotten it all done being as I had five days of break. I did not spend those days huddled in front of the TV though, actually I had to bundle up in Carharts everyday and go to the Barn to feed my poor horse who is living in the pasture and had to weather the cold. I cannot wait until Spring and I will not have to make up anymore snow days because I will be in Spain. Hooray! End Rant.

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