Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oy Vey!

Over the past week I attended school for 3 hours. Between being anemic, doctor visits, and the bitter cold I successfully avoided quite a bit of school, but had I actually attended school like everybody else I would only have spent 11.5ish hours out of a normal 40 hours, this is because I reside in Iowa (not the potato state, the corn state, and yes we do have electricity here). Monday there was an early dismissal due to a blizzard, Tuesday there was a late start due to the same blizzard (8 inches of fresh snow on top of the 6.5+ already existing which then proceeded to blow and drift), Wednesday, Thursday, Friday there was no school due to the fact that the air temperature never breached -13 (degrees fahrenheit) and the windchill never got above -30. We set record lows (for the viewing area of KCRG TV9) with -29 air temp and -51ish wind chill. As I recall the buses wouldn't start because the fuel was gelled up. This week was quite enjoyable and tomorrow is an ealry dismissal day thanks to conferences so score 1 for the students (except for the AP students such as myself who need to have read 50something chapters of the AP Bio book by the beginning of May regardless of the weather. Terrific.

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