Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If You are a Guy Don't Read This (trust me you will regret it if you do)

PMS (If you are a guy I bet you believe me now about regretting reading this) and the events that follow directly after it are somethiing that no one should ever have to endure and yet every woman (exepting those with medical differences) endure it every month. The degree of discomfort can very from barely noticing it to not even being able to walk. I would be one of those crippled women. Let's put it this way, if these are menstral cramps I fear that I may die during labour/birthing. When my time of the month roles around I become extraordinarily emotional (como las que estan embarazadas), bloated to the size of a first trimester pregnant woman, endure extreme amounts of pain (I am often awakened in the middle of the night by this pain and am somethimes un-willing to walk in a non-hunched over manner), and I generally become anemic to a certain degree (my hemoglobin dropped to 10.6 at one point I believe, normal is 13, I finally got mine back up to 12.9). Basically life sucks. School only makes life worse because if one becomes stressed one's cramps become unbearable and then one shrivels into a little ball. (Guys complain about aches and pains all the time but no guy ever had to endure a little piece of hell every month. Quite honestly they can be quite wussy at times and it rather annoys me.) So now (as in currently) I am majorly stressed and in quite a lot of pain. I have quite a bit of work to do this weekend and not really all the time in the world to do it. Let's list all of the things that are causing stress: AP Bio project due Wednesday, AP Lang Portfolio due Wednesday, AP Lang [impossible] essay due within three weeks, Spanish speaking finals due in 13 days, Spanish written final in 13 days, some sort of misunderstanding about work next fall that I care no to discuss, allergies, sinus infection, and I am very behind on this forsaken blog due to the fact that I have not been home lately due to family deaths and marrriages (actually only one of each, but one is more than enough) etc. And the fact that I have all of these things to do prevents me from doing the one thing that generally relieves my stress: ride. Grades come before my mental health I guess. Oh I forgot that I also have some things to get done before the Spain trip in three weeks from Thursday...great more work. I am almost beginning to regret doing all of these extracurricular things/difficult classes. I am so stressed and there is nothing I can do about it because I don't have the time and I am hormonally unstable which generally favors me brooding on the strongest emotion which in this case would be stress. I just remembered another stress item (or two), my Pre-calc class believes me to be an idiot (thus I fell like an idiot) and I have a pre-calc test to make up Thursday after school. Terrific. And I haven't been able to work out very much/consistantly and so not only to I feel fat, but I am fat and having all of the water weight from my freaking period is not helping me out at all. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am an emotional wreck. I need a vacation in which I do abolutely nothing. I need to get away. Speaking of which I was thinking today about what I am going to do after college and I decided that I might possibly be the kind of person who never really puts down roots and is constantly moving. Quite honestly that lifestyle would be okay with me. I'm already something of a loner at school and I like to keep to myself (it doesn't really bring me any pleasure to share my issues with other people, it's not their proble so it shouldn't be something they have to worry about). I could do the runner lifestyle, I might actually enjoy that. I think I have ranted about everything that I needed to rant about so let's wrap up this rant shall we. Stress sucks. PMS/Menstralness sucks. School sucks (at the moment). The end.

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