Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"The Variable" yes I realize the next episode is on tomorrow so it's a good thing I'm putting this up today otherwise if you missed the episode and...

...needed a quick recap of the things you need to know for tomorrows episode and I posted this tomorrow at 7:59pm you would either have to find some magical way (such as Tivo) to record the new episode so as you had time to read this post (but then again if you had Tivo you wouldn't have missed last weeks episode in the first place) OR you would watch tomorrows episode and be totally confused because Lost is written in such a way that if you miss one episode you aren't going to understand the next one unlesss you are incredibly clever beyond all means OR you would miss the beginning of tomorrows episod ebecause you were reading this summary OR you could read this summary while watching tomorrow's episode and only half know what's going on in both...inhale...thus do not complain about the late posting (I know none of you would actually do that I just felt like ranting for a short bit there) because it is in fact not late it is simply on time for tomorrow's episode because now what happened last week will be fresh in your mind. That might in fact be the longest sentence I have ever written.

Okay now getting down to it last weeks episode was rather confusing, here are the things you need to know for tomorrow:

  • Widmore is Daniel Faraday's father (where did he get the name Faraday? his mother's last name is Hawking). Dan's mother convinced him to go to the Island when she told him that doing so would heal his memory loss problem (a consequence of Dan testing his time traveling experiment on himself). ----Flashbacks

  • Oh yeah, Dan came back to the Island at the end of the last episode (but it was recapped at the beginning of this one) after working for the Dharma Initiative in Ann Arbor.

  • Dan believes that his mother was wrong about sending the Oceanic 5 back to the Island when she did because the Dharma people (who are building the Swan Station) are about to drill in a significant amount of electromagnetic energy at the Swan Station site which will cause a huge accident with what I assume will be major casualties. The solution to this energy pocket is to cover the entire area in concrete like Chernoble and have a team of two push a button every 108 minutes to keep the energy at bay.

  • Dan revealed to Dr. Chang that he and Miles are from the future and that Miles is his son (luckily Miles denied everything which for the time being kept the secret safe). He also tells Dr. Chang that he needs to evacuate the Island because of the large electromagnetic energy pocket beneath the Swan Station site.

  • Sawyer held a meeting as to what the Oceanic survivors, Juliet and the leftover Freighter people should do next being as they are in a crapload of trouble (Sawyer has Phil tied up in his closet, Linus suspects Kate and Jack are Hostiles).

  • Dan crashes the meeting and says that he needs to speak with his mother who is a Hostile.

  • The members of the meeting vote on what to do next Sawyer, Miles, Juliet and Hurley vote to pack supplies and go back to the beach to start over.

  • Jack wants Kate to take him and Dan to the Hostiles which leads to a pissing match between the two men: Sawyer: "Kate don't say a thing." Jack: "She can say whatever she wants." Sawyer: "Something, something, something come with us Freckles." Juliet: "[Oh no he didn't] Kate the code to the fence is 141714 (or something else containg ones, sevens, and fours) you should go with Jack."

  • Thus the four who voted to go to the beach start packing and the other three head to the motor pool to get guns.

  • Dan stops to tell a six-year old Charlotte (who according to what Ben said in season 4 shouldn't even be born until July 1979 and it is 1977) that when Dr. Chang evacutates the Island she and her mother need to get on the sub and leave.

  • After arming up at the motor pool a Dharma Bus drives up containing Radzinsky and friends who start shooting after Dan and friends refuse to drop their guns. Dan is nicked in the neck.

  • The three (now fugitives) run to a jeep and speed away.

  • Radzinsky goes to Sawyer and Juliet's house to tell him what happened and discovers that they have Phil tied up in their closet. Sawyer and Juliet are taken into custody.

  • Upon reaching the pylons Kate goes to shut them off. Meanwhile Dan tells Jack that they can in fact die as 1977 is their present (which doesn't make any sense because if they die in the past on the Island their lives will run in a continuous loop and whatnot, but whatever I guess it makes the show more dramatic).

  • The three trek into the jungle, Dan reveals his plan to keep the EM energy from being released (and being as it was the EM energy that crashed the 815 flight destroying the energy will erase the everyone's pasts'/futures' I don't even know anymore). He plans to detonate the Jughead (hydrogen bomb) that the Hostiles buried earlier on.

  • Eventually they reach the Hostiles' camp and Dan goes i waving his gun around demanding to talk with Eloise (his mother).

  • Richard starts talking to him and trying to calm him down telling him that Eloise isn't there.

  • Dan demands to know where the Hydrogen bomb is, points the gun at Richard's head and counts to 3.
  • All of a sudden Dan is shot in the back by none other than Eloise herslef, he tells her that he is her son and then dies...L O S T

This time they have gone too far with the whole time traveling thing, they CANNOT change the past, it is impossible for if they never came to the Island then they never would have to go back and change the past, it CAN'T HAPPEN. If it does happen, and the season finale ends with the plane landing in L.A. I will not only be incredibly pissed, but I will also be incredibly disappointed because the writers have been sooo clever with the plot (up to this point in time) and it would be a shame for them to cop out now.

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