Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Red Shirts

I know that I haven't written about the season finale (which was absolutely superb) yet, but I realized something today that gave me the utterost confidence that there is a great chance that I will win my Lost bet. So I went to tv.com to see if Lost was still the top show of all time (it is) and decided for some reason or another and noticed a comment pertaining to the color of Juliet's shirt in the last episode. Her shirt was red. Now I am not a 'trekkie' by any means, but I did go see the new Star Trek movie (mainly because it was a J.J. Abrams [who directs Lost] movie with music by Michael Giachino) and I happen to know the significance of the red shirt being as my father and brother are huge trekkies. So I did a little digging and found that most everybody who died on Lost (people who you see, not nameless extras) were wearing red shirts when they died. Colors varied from reddish brown to pink, but were still in the general red category. Anyway a list of these characters would include:
  1. Juliet (who I believe to be dead)
  2. Neil 'Frogurt'
  3. Shannon
  4. Charlie (I believe his shirt was in the brown category)
  5. Michael (whose shirt was also brown, but he was wearing a red shirt when he traded Kate, Sawyer, Jack, and Hurley for Walt)
  6. Boone (instigator of the red shirt joke on the show)
  7. Nikki
  8. Charlotte (orange undershirt counts)

That's what I could find, there may be more, I just don't really have the energy to look. Anywho I believe that strengthens my argument that Juliet is indeed dead and therefore not with Sawyer, thus freeing up Sawyer to be with Kate...I win.

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