Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Last Minute Essay - I need FEEDBACK

So I am having a bit of trouble coming up with a topic for the final essay for this class and although I really appreciate ideas that have been brought to my attention I am still looking for alternatives.

Idea that has been brought to my attention:
As you my or may not know I own a horse (a mare, which is a female horse for all of you who are not equinely inclined) who gets into all sorts of shenanigans do to what seems to be an unnaturally high amount of female hormones (for those of you who are not getting the drift, my mare is for lack of a better word a slut which gets her into large amounts of trouble). Anyway she has done a few things in the past that my deter people from pursuing the act of horse-back riding and for those who do attempt to ride find that she is extremely difficult to control requiring very strong abs in order to keep her from moving at a breakneck speed. She is a very pretty mare with a personality much like mine (those who know me might also agree that this might deter someone from wanting anything to do with her), but those are probably the only two attributes a non-horse person would see in her (actually just the pretty thing as my previous statement negates the fact that she has two good attributes). Anyway it was suggested by one of my good friends that I write about why I keep riding despite all of the negative things surrounding the sport (and yes it is a sport). Negative things: trusting a one ton animal not to throw you off and kill you, putting up with the hormonal antics, feeding her everyday in winter, spring and fall (including the -50 degree windchill days), paying for hoof care every couple months, putting up with her spookiness, putting up with her hard mouth (which I am in the process of fixing), walking through mud, touching horse-mud on her legs in order to pick her feet and keep her from becoming lame, all these things and more should make a person run screaming for the sport and yet I relish in it. The problem with writing an essay about this is that I don't think I can explain why I keep doing it because it's not something you explain it's something you feel. However the more I write about this the more I actually think I could pull this essay off, but it would require visuals possibly including video accompanied by music which I have no idea how to procure.

If you have any other ideas for an essay for me please let me know,
Thanks very much.

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