Thursday, April 23, 2009

If You Ever Find Yourself Home Ill and Only in the Mood to Watch TV...

Due to my insufficient immune system I have spent much time watching TV lately as is custom when one is home sick. In doing so I have come up with a schedule of TV that I will watch when I am home sick:

9:00AM (if I am up by then and am in the mood to watch re-runs from the secon season) ER on TNT
10:00AM and 11:00AM (My favorite two hour block) Las Vegas on TNT (more on the excellence of this show later)
12:00Noon (Lunch) Tivoed episodes of Lost/In Plain Sight/ER or CSI: Miami on that one crime channel (24 for Shellesburg cable)
1:00PM (usually I am also workin on some form of schoolwork by this point in time unless I am truly dying of pain) From about noon to three there really isn't much on TV so if there aren't any fun marathons running on USA (i.e. House, Law and Order: SVU, In Plain Sight, or Burn Notice) I usually stick a movie in (yesterday I had to watch a movie as part of my HW so I stuck that in)
3:00ishPM Lost is on Scifi (it's season 4 re-runs at the moment so I will watch them) or Wife Swap is on Lifetime
4:00PM Gilmore Girls on ABC Family
5:00PM there is absolutely nothing on TV from 5-5thirty so I usually watch something that I have Tivoed
5:30PM Friends on TBS
6:00 and 6:30PM Friends on CW
7:00 varies from day to day:
  • Monday: Dancing with the Stars on ABC or Chuck on NBC
  • Tuesday: Biggest Loser on NBC
  • Wednesday: Usually not home till eight when Lost is on ABC
  • Thursday: Parks and Recreation on NBC
  • Friday: Random movies on random channels or Supernanny at 8 on ABC
  • During the weekend House or some other equally entertaining show is on USA

When I am sick I am usually done with staying conscious by Eight or so thus I go to bed. However with this round of illness I feel like someone is constantly using a sledgehammer to drive a railroad spike into the back of my head and the since laying down position usually irritates my massively infect sinuses and surrounding areas I have been finding sleep an incredibly difficult task to accomplish. In this case I usually read until ten or so then toss and turn for around two hours until exhaustion overcomes the pain and I lose consciousness. The battle has only just begun though for once I've had two to three hours of sleep and REM sets in the pain of my head is usually enough to wake me up in a cold sweat (from a fever?) and cause me to have to try to fall asleep all over again. Needless to say my nights lately have been less than pleasant. I go back to the doctor Tuesday to see if my infection deep sinus/head infection has cleared up (which I highly doubt being as I am in so much constant pain) and if it hasn't I shall be scheduled for surgery in the near future. My life is so great right now.

Note to the reader:

I am terribly sorry that all of my blog posts lately have been about me ranting about my horribly immunodeficient afflicted life, but being as the episode of Lost that was on last night was all the major flashforwards (from season 4) and early episode highlights (from this season) in chronological order I don't really have much else to talk about. Plus I haven't really been in an incredibly chipper mood due to the fact that AP exams keep getting closer which stresses me out quite a bit so obviously I'm not in the mood to write a Puff Piece (of course I've never really been in the mood to write a Puff Piece it's just not my nature). So once again I apologize for being such a downer and throwing so many pity parties for myself, but this really is the only place I can rant about this stuff.

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