Thursday, April 16, 2009

Top Ten Reasons Why My Week Has Sucked

This has been a spectacularly craptastic week. I've already blogged about the most prominent reason why my week was absolutely splendiforous, but here is some more recap:
  1. My Grandfather is very ill in the hospital with pneumonia.
  2. The swelling of my head (pretty much the entire right half is swelling now) for unknown reason and the intense pain it causes really sort of put a damper on my week. We shall see how I feel about this after I get the results of the CT. The way I picture it is if something incredibly life-threatening was quite prominent in the pictures they took the radioligist would have called neurology right away and I would not have made it to school in time for second hour. So either the CT is clear (which quite honestly would really annoy me as I really want the swelling/pain thing fixed) or it's something relatively minor and fixable (which would make my day, I really don't enjoy having mystery illnesses).
  3. Due to my health I haven't been able to ride my horse at all this week and the weather has been gorgeous (although I've decided that even/especially if there is something incredibly wrong with me the one thing that I will not give up is riding and the first thing to go will be school).
  4. The AP Lang essay that I have no idea how to fix is now due Monday (the due Monday thing is really great, the fact that I have no idea how to fix my essay is the downer part).
  5. I was one point away from failing a supposedly easy quiz in Advanced Pre-Calc yesterday (D-'s are not really my thing).
  6. I've had a really bad time this week in Spanish which used to be one of my favorite classes (I got cinco out of quince on mi tarea para lunes).
  7. French has also been going poorly this week, I'm at a bit of a loss about that class (usually by the time I get there being as it is my last class, I am so completely worn out from the day and in such incredible pain from my head that I have little to no tolerance for the Freshman antics or the busy-work that we do and that gets me into trouble with the teacher).
  8. Yesterday when I was walking down the stairs at school on my way to lunch I had a momentary loss of balance and all of the weight of myself and my backpack came straight down on my knees so now I have some spectacular bruises.
  9. I have not been able to work out at all this week due to time constraints as well as my health so I feel rather fat.
  10. It would appear that unless Juliet dies, there is a great possibility that I will lose my 'Lost' bet.


Hockey Flower said...

Aw Banch, itll get better, the weeks nearly over so soon you can just chill over the weekend

Mr. Ayers said...

This sounds awful. Hope the CT scan comes back the way you want it, with an easy fix.

Talk to me tomorrow about your essay!

Banch said...

CT came back and I have a deep infection (whatever that means) around my sinuses and if the antibiotics don't clear it up I will quite possibly require surgery to fix it. There is apparently also something that showed up in my throat but that can wait ten days until my next doctor appointment.

Banch said...

I forgot to talk to you about my essay, I'm sorry, I didn't even see that when I read this the first time. I suppose it doesn't matter now.