Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Some Like It Hoth"

It would appear that Aaron's theory that Miles was Dr. Chang/Halliwax/Candle's son. That really was the only question that last night's episode answered. Instead the episode opened the door for about fifty more questions to appear and ended with a major cliffhanger that did in a round-about way sort of confrim that the Oceanic survivors and their friends from the future will be leaving the 70's timeline very soon in one way or another.

I've come to the conclusion that I really like Miles and feel pretty bad for him. He reminds me of what Sawyer was like before he got all serious and mature. I feel bad for him because he grew up like the Osment kid in the Sixth Sense: His dad was never around (because he was dead) and he was constantly plagued by the unhappy dead. That is a seriously crappy life. However I think that Mrs. Straume was lying about Dr. Chang/Halliwax/Candle not wanting anything to do with Miles, he seemed be very loving and caring of baby Miles in the 70's.

Plot (in summary):

Dharma Time:

  • Kate and Sawyer get back to the pylons and Sawyer radios Miles and tells him to get rid of the video records from the camera on the pylon where he and Kate brought Ben.

  • Kate goes back to New Otherton, Sawyer heads off somewhere else to cover their tracks.

  • Miles is about to erase the tapes when Horace comes in looking for LaFleur.

  • Miles tells him that LaFleur is out looking for the fugitive Hostile (meaning Sayid) and that he is out of radio contact.

  • Horace tells Miles that since LaFleur is out he is going to be brought into the Circle of Trust (every time I hear that I think of Robert DeNiro in 'Meet the Parents') and that he needs Miles to run an errand for him that is top secret.

  • He send Miles out to Hostile territory to 'pick up a package' from Radzinski.

  • The package turns out to be the body of a Dharma worker who has been shot in the head and therefore killed.

  • Miles then asks the dead guy what happened to him.

Well I started to write a summary but now that I have procrastinated I shal simply jot down some things that you need to know before you watch next weeks episode:

  • Some guy got shot out at the Swan Station possibly by the Dharma people.

  • Miles is Dr. Chang's kid.

  • Miles, after accepting the job from Widmore (to go to the Island) which $1.6million (which explains his want for $3.2million from Ben)is 'kidnapped' by Ilana's friend (Statue-Shadow-question people) and told that he is not 'ready' to go to the island because he can't answer the statue-shadow question. He tells them that if they pay him $3.2million he will stay home, they refuse and he gets on the freighter.

  • Roger Linus suspects that Kate had something to do with Ben's disappearance because she tried to comfort him and told him she had a feeling that everything would be okay.

  • Roger asks Jack if he should turn Kate in to Horace and Jack becomes a tad hostile when he tells Roger that he and Kate are friends and that she would never do anything to hurt Roger's kid thus implicating himslef in the crime.

  • Phil (one of the security guys) found the tape from the pylons of Sawyer and Kate taking been to the Hostiles and confronts Sawyer about it. Sawyer punches him and knocks him out...

I'm pretty sure that's all you will need to know for the next episode so there you have it short, sweet, and to the point.

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